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    Type ME43 - Fieldbus gateway


    Type Description

    The fieldbus gateway Type ME43 is the central control unit for Bürkert products (valves, sensors, mass flow controllers or displays), which are based on EDIP (“Efficient Device Integration Platform”). The basic variant of Type ME43 consists of a fieldbus coupler which transmits the internal CANopen-based communication of the Bürkert field devices to industry standards for industrial Ethernet and fieldbus. With the help of graphical programming, which the module supports, sub-systems can be automated specifically to the customer’s needs (e.g. controlled mixing of gases, error monitoring through limit value switches, time switches).

    • Gateway for industrial Ethernet and fieldbus standards
    • Simple configuration via Bürkert Communicator software
    • Easy integration in the process control level through system-specific device description files
    • “Batch controller” for precise dosing of liquids
    • High system availability with PROFINET system redundancy S2

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Data sheet Type 8922 | Batch controller for dosing fluids 896 kB EN / EU
    DTS Data sheet Type ME43 | Fieldbus gateway 1.1 MB EN / EU
    DTS データシート タイプ ME43 | フィールドバスゲートウェイ 9.2 MB JA / JP
    DTS 规格页 ME43 型 | 现场总线网关 2.7 MB ZH / CN
    DTS Datenblatt Typ 8922 | Batch Controller zur Dosierung von Flüssigkeiten 910.5 kB DE / DE
    DTS Datenblatt Typ ME43 | Feldbus-Gateway 1.1 MB DE / DE
    DTS Ficha de dados Tipo ME43 | Gateway de barramento de campo 2.2 MB PT / BR
    DTS Fiche technique Type 8922 | Batch Controller de dosage de liquides 902.8 kB FR / FR
    DTS Fiche technique Type ME43 | Passerelle de bus de terrain 1.1 MB FR / FR
    DTS Karta charakterystyki Typ ME43 | Brama sieciowa Fieldbus 1.2 MB PL / PL

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Cabling Guide | büS/EDIP 609.5 kB EN / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type ME43 | Fieldbus gateway büS to Industrial Ethernet 4.4 MB EN / EU
    MAN Software Manual | Communication, cyclic commands, access tobüS objects 820.9 kB EN / EU
    MAN Software manual Type 8922, ME43, ME63 | Batch Controller for for dosing 8.8 MB EN / EU
    MAN Software manual | Central configuration management 1.1 MB EN / EU
    MAN Additional manual Type ME43 |ATEX - Informations for use inhazardous areas 915.9 kB EN,FR,DE / EU
    MAN Quickstart Type ME43 | Fieldbus gateway büS to Industrial Ethernet 1.2 MB EN / EU
    MAN Software Manual | CANopen Network Configuration 759.6 kB EN / EU
    MAN Software manual Type 8922, MExx | Software of f(x) configuration 1 MB EN / EU
    MAN 取扱説明書 – ソフトウェア | Bürkert装置の中央構 747 kB JA / JP
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ ME43 | Feldbus-Gateway büS zu Industrial Ethernet 4.4 MB DE / DE
    MAN Guia de cabeamento | büS/EDIP 3.6 MB PT / BR
    MAN Instrukcja obsługi Oprogramowanie | Centralne zarządzanie konfiguracją urządzeń 795.9 kB PL / PL
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type ME43 | Passerelle bus de terrain büS vers Ethernet industriel 4.4 MB FR / FR
    MAN Manuel du logiciel Type 8922,ME43, ME63 | Batch Controllerde dosage de liquides 8.8 MB FR / FR
    MAN Manuel du logiciel | Gestion centrale de la configuration 1 MB FR / FR
    MAN Manuel du logiciel | communication, commandes cycliques, accès aux objets büS 831.7 kB FR / FR
    MAN Software-Anleitung Typ 8922, ME43, ME63 | Batch Controller zur Dosierung von Flüssigkeiten 8.8 MB DE / DE
    MAN Software-Anleitung | Kommunikation, zyklische Befehle ausführen, Zugriff auf büS-Objekte 828.8 kB DE / DE
    MAN Software-Anleitung | Zentrale Konfigurationsverwaltung 1 MB DE / DE
    MAN Verkabelungsleitfaden | büS/EDIP 628.2 kB DE / DE
    MAN buS/EDIP ケーブルガイド 654.1 kB JA / JP
    MAN 使用说明 型号 ME43 | 现场总线网关büS 至工业以太网,现场总线 DPV1,CC-Link 4.4 MB ZH / CN
    MAN 取扱説明書 タイプME43 | 産業用イーサネット向フィールネット向フィールドバスゲートウェイbüS、PROFIBUSOFIBUS DPV1 2.3 MB JA / JP
    MAN Instrukcja obsługi Typ ME43 |Bramka Fieldbus büS do Industrial Ethernet 4.2 MB PL / PL
    MAN Manual de operação Tipo ME43 | Gateway de barramento de campo büS para Ethernet/IP 3.8 MB PT / PT
    MAN Manuel du logiciel Type 8922,MExx | Logiciel de f(x) configuration 1 MB FR / FR
    MAN Quickstart Tipo ME43 | Gateway de barramento de campo büS para Ethernet/IP, PROFIBUS, DPV1 858.6 kB PT / BR
    MAN Quickstart Typ ME43 | Feldbus-Gateway büS zu Industrial Ethernet 1.2 MB DE / DE
    MAN Quickstart Type ME43 | Passerelle bus de terrain büS vers Ethernet industriel 1.2 MB FR / FR
    MAN Software-Anleitung Typ 8922, MExx | Software der f(x) Konfiguration 1.1 MB DE / DE
    MAN Software-Anleitung | CANopen Netzwerkkonfiguration 824.1 kB DE / DE


    Language / Country
    SOW Buerkert Communicator 8.1.4 526.2 MB ML
    SOW ME43 ME63 Batch Controller 1.0 65.8 kB ML

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 35 kB EN,FR,DE
    ABD ProdCert|Ex CoC ME43 E520702 Vol1 S1 PU17 390.2 kB EN
    ABD ProdCert|Ex ME43 BVS 18 ATEX E 051 X 1.6 MB EN,DE
    ABD ProdCert|Ex ME43 IECEx BVS 18.0041X 1.2 MB EN,DE
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.2 kB EN
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 41.7 kB FR
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.9 kB DE

    Certificates/Manufacturer Declarations

    Language / Country
    ABD EtherNet/IP | 11648 | ME43 115.4 kB EN
    ABD EtherNet/IP | 11649 | ME43 135.7 kB EN
    ABD PROFINET S2 | Z11908 | ME43 105.7 kB EN
    ABD PROFINET | Z11908 | ME43 92.9 kB EN
    ABD CC-Link IEFB | 91 | ME43 259 kB EN
    ABD CC-Link | 1120 | ME43 140.4 kB EN