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    Type MS09 - Nitrate sensor

    Product Image Type MS09

    The depiction of the products may differ from the actual specific design.

    Please consider the technical attributes and Data Sheets.

    Type Description

    The Type MS09 sensor is an optical sensor for UV absorption measurement to determine the nitrate content in drinking water. The sensor has a xenon flash lamp as a light source and can measure nitrate content with reduced interference through three different detection channels. The nitrate content is determined at 212 nm, the organic matter at 254 nm and the turbidity at 360 nm. The sensor is therefore insensitive to cross-influences in the water. The sensor is mainly used in drinking water to ensure compliance with regulatory limits. The measurement is carried out in raw water as well as in pure water.

    • UV photometer for nitrate monitoring
    • Reagent-free optical measurement
    • EDIP sensor: compatible with Type 8905/8906 measurement stations
    • Xenon flash lamp, 3 channels for optical measurement with reduced interference
    • Nano-coated glasses to reduce maintenance

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Type 8905 data sheet | online analysis system 1.6 MB EN / EU
    DTS Type MS09 data sheet | Nitrate sensor 1.1 MB EN / EU
    DTS Typ 8905 Datenblatt | EDIP-Online-Analysesystem 1.6 MB DE / DE
    DTS Typ MS09 Datenblatt | Nitrat Sensor 1.2 MB DE / DE
    DTS Type 8905 fiche technique | Système d'analyse en ligne, conception EDIP 1.6 MB FR / FR
    DTS Type MS09 fiche technique | Capteur de nitrate 1.1 MB FR / FR

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 8905 | Online analysis system 3.4 MB EN / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type MS09 | Nitrate Sensor 5.5 MB EN / EU
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 8905 | Online-Analyse-System 3.4 MB DE / EU
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ MS09 | Nitrat-Sensor 6.7 MB DE / EU
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type 8905 | Système d'analyse en ligne 3.4 MB FR / EU
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type MS09 | capteur Nitrate 6.7 MB FR / EU


    Language / Country
    SOW Buerkert Communicator 8.0.2 518.4 MB ML
    SOW Device Description Files A.01 5 kB ML

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 28.9 kB EN,FR,DE
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.2 kB EN
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 41.7 kB FR
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.9 kB DE

    Flyers and Catalogues

    Language / Country
    MISC Flyer - Online Analysis System Type 8905 2.3 MB EN / EU