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    Type 8020 - Insertion flowmeter with paddle wheel for continuous flow measurement


    Type Description

    The flowmeter with paddle wheel is particularly suited to use with neutral or mildly aggressive, particle-free liquids. Bürkert’s proprietary fitting system permits simple installation of the devices into pipelines from DN 20 to DN 400. The flowmeter generates a pulse frequency signal proportional to the flow velocity. The signal can be processed by a Bürkert Transmitter/Controller.

    • Cost-effective integration in pipe systems without any additional pipelines
    • 3-wire frequency-pulse variant for direct connection to a PLC (PNP and NPN)
    • Simple connection to Bürkert evaluation devices in a remote variant

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Data sheet Type 8020 | Insertion flowmeter with paddle wheel 1.1 MB EN / EU
    DTS Data sheet Type 8022 | Flow transmitter/pulse divider 499.8 kB EN / EU
    DTS Data sheet Type S020 | Insertion fitting for flow or analytical measurement 2.3 MB EN / EU
    DTS Datenblatt Typ 8020 | Insertion-Durchflussmessgerät mit Flügelrad 1.1 MB DE / DE
    DTS Datenblatt Typ 8022 | Durchflusstransmitter/Impulsteiler 502.1 kB DE / DE
    DTS Datenblatt Typ S020 | Insertion-Fitting für Durchfluss-/Analysemessungen 2.3 MB DE / DE
    DTS Ficha de dados Tipo 8020 | Medidor de vazão de pá rotativa Insertion 1.8 MB PT / BR
    DTS Ficha técnica Tipo 8020 | Caudalímetro Insertion con hélice 1.8 MB ES / ES
    DTS Ficha técnica Tipo S020 | Racor Insertion para mediciones de caudal o analíticas 3.3 MB ES / ES
    DTS Fiche technique Type 8020 | Débitmètre Insertion à ailette 1.1 MB FR / FR
    DTS Fiche technique Type 8022 | Transmetteur de débit/diviseur d'impulsions 506.2 kB FR / FR
    DTS Fiche technique Type S020 | Raccord Insertion pour les mesures de débit ou d'analyse 2.3 MB FR / FR

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 8022 | Flow transmitter / Pulsedivider 3.7 MB EN / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type S020 | Insertion fitting 1.3 MB EN / EU
    MAN Supplement Type 8020 & 8030 |Low power Hall effect pulse with 5-15VDC power supply 40 kB EN / EU
    MAN Supplement Type 8020 | Use with converter 8023, replacementinstructions of sensor gasket 94 kB EN / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 8020 | Insertion flow sensor with paddle-wheel 365.6 kB EN / EU
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 8022 | Durchflusstransmitter / Impulsteiler 3.7 MB DE / DE
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ S020 | Insertion Fitting 1.4 MB DE / DE
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type 8022 | Transmetteur de débit / Diviseur d'impulsion 3.7 MB FR / FR
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation type S020 | Raccord à insertion 1.4 MB FR / FR
    MAN Supplément Type 8020 & 8030 |Low power, effet Hall, version pulse avec alim. 5-15VDC 39.9 kB FR / FR
    MAN Supplément Type 8020 | Utilisation du converter 8023, remplacement de joint 94 kB FR / FR
    MAN Zusatzanleitung Typ 8020 & 8030 | Low Power, Hall effekt, Puls- mit 5-15VDC-Versorg.-Spng 40 kB DE / DE
    MAN Zustazanleitung Typ 8020 | Anschluss des Konverters 8023, wechseln des Finger-O-Rings 94.2 kB DE / DE
    MAN 取扱説明書 タイプ S020 | ねじ接続の挿入 1.5 MB JA / JP
    MAN 타입 S020 | 사용 설명서 | 삽입형 피팅 1.4 MB KO / KR
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 8020 | Insertion-Durchflusssensor mit Flügelrad 375.5 kB DE / EU
    MAN Driftsinstruktion Typ S020 |Insertionsskruvförband 1.9 MB SV / SE
    MAN Manual de instrucciones Tipo 8020 | Caudalímetro con hélice 990.3 kB ES / ES
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type 8020 | Capteur de débit à Insertion à ailette 371.6 kB FR / EU

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD MDec|Food 8020-xxxx-PDFF/PDAA version 232.7 kB ML
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 28.6 kB EN,FR,DE