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    The type 2658 is not available anymore since 11/1/20.

    Please contact us for a consultation regarding the most suitable successor article for your requirements.

    Type 2658 - 2/2 way Ball Valve with Pneumatic Rotary Actuator


    Type Description

    The complete unit of the Type 2658 consistsof a pneumatic rotary actuator and a ball valve body from plastic. The connection between the ball valve and the actuator is made via a standard interface (flange connection). The rotary movement in the actuator is produced by a linear piston with angled thread coupling. The rotary actuator moves the ball valve through 90°and thereby opens or closes the port crosssection.The compact pneumatically-operatedball valve can be used for a wide range of applications and media. The pneumatic rotaryactuator can also be used for other purposes.Special feature: The ball valves are equipped with the so-called Dual Block® Technology. This system serves as a safety device for the union nuts. It preventsthese separating during operation.

    • Radially expandable body
    • Pneumatic actuator in compact model
    • Optical position indicator
    • Control valve connection acc. to NAMUR
    • Safe blocked union nuts with Dual Block® Technology

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Type 2658 data sheet | pneumatically operated ball valve with plastic housing 1 MB EN / EU
    DTS Typ 2658 Datenblatt | pneumatisch betätigten Kugelhahn mit Kunststoffgehäuse 1 MB DE / DE

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 2050 265X | Pneumatic rotary actuator 1.1 MB EN,FR,DE,ES / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 2657 2658 8804 8805 | Ball valve with plastic body 1.3 MB EN,FR,DE / EU