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    Type 2380 - Hygienic 2-way bellows control valve


    Type Description

    The bellows control valve Type 2380 is a high-performance, pneumatically actuated process valve with a single-acting actuator and a top-mounted positioner. PTFE bellows guarantee complete separation between the medium and the actuator, thus increasing service life and reliability. This valve is designed for both hygienic and aggressive conditions and is easy to clean. In conjunction with the proven positioners of Type 869x and integrated control cone with linear characteristic, it can also handle demanding control tasks. The space-saving actuators with low internal volume ensure excellent response times. Alternatively, this valve principle can also be used in customer-specific block solutions such as pressure control systems Type 8880.

    • Media separation through PTFE bellows
    • Hygienic and compact design
    • Ideal for demanding control tasks at smaller flows
    • All common port connections up to DN25 / NPS 1

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Data sheet Type 2380 | Pneumatically operated bellow control valve 1.4 MB EN / EU
    DTS データシート タイプ 2380 | ベローズコントロールバルブ 1.2 MB JA / JP
    DTS 规格页 2380 型 | 二位二通波纹管调节阀 1.9 MB ZH / CN
    DTS Datenblatt Typ 2380 | Pneumatisch betätigtes Faltenbalg-Regelventil 1.4 MB DE / DE
    DTS Karta charakterystyki Typ 2380 | Higieniczny 2-drogowy zawór regulacyjny z mieszkiem 2.2 MB PL / PL

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Additional manual PX01, PX02,PX03 | Use in the explosion-hazard area 121.4 kB EN,FR,DE / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 2380 | Bellow Valve with Digital Electropneumatic Controller 1.3 MB EN / EU
    MAN 取扱説明書 タイプ 2380 | デジタル電空コントローラ付ベローズバルブ 787.8 kB JA / JP
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 2380 | Faltenbalgventil mit digitalem elektropneumatischem Regler 1.3 MB DE / DE
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type 2380 | Vanne à soufflet avec régulateur électropneumatique num 1.4 MB FR / FR

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 34.1 kB EN,FR,DE
    ABD MDec|Food|Hygenic Declaration 2380 242 kB EN,DE

    Flyers and Catalogues

    Language / Country
    MISC Flyer Best Practice - Hygienic control valves in application: fermentation tank blanketing 146 kB EN / EU