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Bürkert solenoid valves prove themselves in the production of PET tracers

Solenoid valves for the production of radioactive tracer substances for oncological diagnostics in collaboration with the VU University Medical Center (VUmc) in Amsterdam

Type 0127
Direct-acting 2/2 or 3/2 way Rocker-Solenoid Valve with separating diaphragm

Your benefits:

  • Strong experience in dealing with highly active substances
  • Highest demands on hygiene and clinical processes
  • Individual system solutions for your application can be realized

The VU University Medical Center (VUmc) in Amsterdam is a renowned research institute for oncological diagnostics, i.e. the detection of tumour diseases. The tumours are detected by means of medical tracers for the analysis of metabolic processes. For the production of radioactive tracer substances the institute has been using solenoid valves from Bürkert for nearly ten years.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is used to visualize and characterize biological processes in the living organism. The complex and costly procedure exists for a serious purpose: the precise diagnosis of cancer diseases. PET diagnosis is very complex and costly; however, it allows researchers to more closely examine metabolic processes in the human body and to better understand how cancer originates, in order to better treat the disease. For the production of radioactive tracer substances the institute has been using solenoid valves from Bürkert for nearly ten years.

“Why should we look around for other valves? The Bürkert valves are excellent, both in terms of suitability for the application and top quality.“
                                                                 Fred Buijs, Designer / VUmc Amsterdam

Type 0127

2/2 or 3/2-way rocker solenoid valve with separating diaphragm

Type 0127
  • For the highest chemical resistance requirements
  • Compact design with 16 mm width and a flow coefficient of up to 0.058
  • Proven reliability since 1993
  • Flexible design for customised solutions
  • High back-pressure tightness, excellent cleanability and 100% duty cycle

The devices used in the research centre are used to generate a large number of different tracers. That is why the VUmc designed and built this instrument itself, since the commercially available models can only produce a few different tracers. This requires close cooperation between engineers, cancer researchers and chemists in plant design. Due to the high quality requirements, Bürkert solenoid valves reliably control various process steps for tracer processing and production of the radioactive tracer substances.

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Success Story VUmc Amsterdam

Flyer Best Practice - Big research with small valves: Bürkert solenoid valves prove themselves in the production of PET tracers

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