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Media control in flow cytometry

Analyse samples and reagents more quickly and reliably using the In-Vitro diagnostics: Bürkert solutions for controlling media function with high precision and continuously.

Your benefits

  • Particularly even flow through the fluid chamber enables constant encapsulation
  • Optimised analysis solutions
  • Chemical resistance and long lifetime of components

You cannot dispute the efficiency and analysis quality

The principle of flow cytometry is frequently used in haematology in order to obtain analysis results. A carrier fluid guides the cells individually through the microchannel past a laser beam. A very steady flow in the fluid chamber enables a laminar flow. The Bürkert valve (e.g. Type 6724) regulates the flowing liquid flexibly and precisely as required.

Sample with cells
Bürkert valve Type 6724
Carrier fluid
Analysis results
Flow cytometry: Microchannel with laser and light measurement

Advantages of controlling media with Bürkert:

  • Controlled and reproducibly closing valves regulate the flowing liquid as required
  • Precise switching time and repeat accuracy ensure precise analysis results
  • Valves which are compact and have maximum flow rate save space in the laboratory
  • High-density valves increase your efficiency

Your added value: Controlling media with Bürkert solutions

The economic strain experienced by laboratories is strong - so how do you ensure high sample throughput and precise test results? Count on system solutions from Bürkert for uninterrupted, reproducible and quick analytical processes:

✓ Analyse continuously

Microvalves from Bürkert have a 100 percent duty cycle – they do not heat up in continuous operation. This increases the utilisation of your analytical device and allows you to work more efficiently.

✓ Analyse quickly

Speed up your analytical processes in flow cytometry – with Bürkert valves that are both proportionally controllable and media-separated. The advantage: You can steplessly adjust the flow velocity. You can increase the speed before and after sample analysis to enhance your throughput.

✓ Space saving analysis

Combine valves with different functions on one block – this saves space in the device. In this way you can build compact analytical devices or extend the range of functions of the devices.

An example illustrates your added values:

A laboratory device analyses 900 samples an hour, i.e. one sample every four seconds. If the duty cycle is only 50%, the valve must pause for at least four seconds after each sample before analysing the next one. This corresponds to a total time of eight seconds per sample.

The Bürkert valve Type 0127 can be left switched on permanently without overheating. However, the duty cycle of a comparable valve available on the market is shorter. This may result in undesirable pauses during which the valve cannot be used.

Example: Duty cycle of Bürkert Type 0127 (blue) versus duty cycle of comparable valve (grey) available on the market.

Cycle & Pause Time

In this example you can analyse 900 samples in the same time span using the Bürkert valve, but only 450 samples using a comparable valve which is usually available on the market.

Grafische Darstellung der Menge von 900 Proben, die mithilfe eines Bürkert-Ventils Typ 0127 analysiert werden können im Vergleich zu einem Wettbewerbsventil mit nur 450 Proben; Symbol Sparschwein.

Here you can find the suitable components for controlling your media

Type 6650

2/2-way Flipper-Solenoid Valve with separating diaphragm

Type 6650
  • Only 4.5 mm wide
  • Medium isolation, for aggressive fluids
  • Direct-acting
  • Vacuum up to 7 bar
  • Short response times

Type 6144

3/2-way flipper solenoid valve, direct-acting

Type 6144
  • Direct-acting
  • 0 to 10 bar
  • Low power consumption
  • Standard, Ex ia version, latching version
  • 10 mm installation width / 11 mm width/station

Type 6724

2/2 or 3/2-way Whisper Valve with media separation

Type 6724
  • Highest chemical resistance
  • Compact design with 8.9 mm installation width
  • DN 0.8 mm (vacuum up to 5 bar) and 1.2 mm (vacuum up to 3 bar)
  • Very fast, almost silent switching with < 20 dB (A) and very low power consumption
  • High back-pressure tightness, excellent cleanability and 100% duty cycle

Type 0127

2/2 or 3/2-way rocker solenoid valve with separating diaphragm

Type 0127
  • For the highest chemical resistance requirements
  • Compact design with 16 mm width and a flow coefficient of up to 0.058
  • Proven reliability since 1993
  • Flexible design for customised solutions
  • High back-pressure tightness, excellent cleanability and 100% duty cycle

Our other solutions in different applications

Reagent and sample dosing

Time-Pressure DosingTime-Pressure Dosing

How can you increase your sample throughput in the laboratory while also ensuring reliable processes? Pressure/time dosing allows you to dose your samples and reagents precisely while protecting them against the introduction of heat.

Analysis unit

Cleaning and waste handling

Our fluidic experts from our Systemhaus will be happy to advise you on your individual solutions: