Extremely cool
With the new type 2610 solenoid valve the fluid technology specialist Bürkert presented a valve for high and low temperatures at Valve World Expo in Düsseldorf. Due to the thermal decoupling of the fluidic body and the solenoid coil, the direct-acting, media separated 2/2-way solenoid valve can be used in a temperature range from -200°C to +180°C. The valve type is available in a normally closed version.
The core of the new solenoid valve from Bürkert is a metal bellows of durable stainless steel, which thermally decouples the coil from the valve body. This design prevents both condensation and overheating of the coil. In addition, the welded metal bellows system provides high gas tightness. Another standard feature of the type 2610 valve is the power-reducing “Kick & Drop” electronics. The high starting power of 72 W required for opening of the valve is generated by overexcitation of the coil. Immediately (400 ms) after the valve has switched, the power consumption is electronically reduced to the substantially lower holding power of 4 W.
The broad temperature spectrum from -200°C to +180°C makes this valve type ideal for use in extreme temperature ranges, such as in cryogenic applications. Even at temperatures down to -200°C the thermal decoupling prevents freezing up of the coil as well as condensation. Another ideal use for the solenoid valve is in critical chemical applications. The metal bellows system, consisting of durable stainless steel and a PTFE seal, makes the type 2610 suitable for safe switching of mild acidic and alkaline solutions. In addition, the fully welded metal bellows system enables optimal leakage rates up to 10-6 mbarl/s.
Facts and data
2/2-way solenoid valve type 2610:
- Media separated
- Direct-acting
- Viscosity up to ca. 21 mm2/s
- Pressure range from 0 to 10 bar
- Available in diameters 6, 8 and 12 mm
- The switching frequency is 10/min
- Operating voltage: 24, 110, 220…230 V UC
Plunger valve 2/2 way direct-acting
- Direct-acting, media separated valve with diameter of up to DN 12
- Welded metal bellows system (316Ti)
- High-quality PTFE seat seal
- Media temperature from -200 °C to +180 °C
- Energy-saving 'Kick and Drop' electronics