Bürkert @ EMC 2017
The European Metallurgical Conference is the most important conference in Europe dedicated to non-ferrous metals and will open its doors in Leipzig from 25th June to 28th June 2017. The conference will focus this year on: “Production and Recycling of Non-Ferrous Metals: Saving Resources for a Sustainable Future”.

Bürkert is your competent partner for processes in the metallurgical industry.
Thereby, our capabilities go far beyond components or products. Our systemhaus teams develop customized solutions for extremely complex and sophisticated production processes.
One highlight on our booth will be our Gas Mixer for industrial burners – a complete customized solution for gas control of industrial burner applications.
The other topic we will focus on is our High Pressure Gas Control System – a system used for protective atmosphere control which has minimized downtime and highest process reliability thanks to an intelligent automation concept and software tool.
Want to know more?
Come and visit us in KONGRESSHALLE am Zoo Leipzig – We look forward to welcoming you!